Friday, June 10, 2016


     Well...what is there to say? I am an 18 year old who has literally just entered the adult world, having never actually worked a day in my life and being totally afraid to start college. I am terrified of dinosaurs, elevators, and corn fields, and I absolutely will not watch a scary movie of my own free will, but I do enjoy reading and I am 100% dedicated to the arts and theatre. I live my life how I think I should and seem to be pretty happy about it so I don't think I will change much as I enter college but that all depends on who I meet and what experiences I have. I am a firm believer that experiences shape who a person is and how they behave and I like to think of my self as an optimist. I am left handed and if you ask me about it I can give you a whole speech on why this world is made to make me suffer and how I am at a serious disadvantage being a southpaw.
     What do I plan to do with this blog? Hopefully it will turn into something that I can look back on and see my college experience and, cross your fingers, not regret too much when I have kids. I figure in such a technological world it is valuable to document what I do with my life and its easy to put it out there via my laptop. I think that this is a good way to share my story and keep it as somewhat of a journal system but still not replace the handwritten. We have been given this great gift of technology so why not use it?
     Basically, welcome to my blog. It's probably super boring but I am not doing this to please anybody besides myself so I don't care if you like it or not.

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