Sunday, June 12, 2016

Book of Mormon 60 Day Challenge: Day 2

1 Nephi 6-10

     Unlike the first days reading, this reading included multiple stories, much like the book itself. First, Nephi and his brothers must once more return to Jerusalem to pick up a good family friend and his daughters so they can be married and what not. Then, Laman and Lemuel rebel against Nephi and bind him, but because of his great faith, Nephi breaks the bounds. This is where I found my principle for today, but we will come back to that. Once they return to Lehi in the wilderness, it is revealed that Lehi has had a vision. So the vision of the Tree of Life is within this reading. This story is really cool and I love the lesson of the Tree of Life but I have heard and studied it so many times that I really don't feel the need to focus on that story, especially when I found a principle that I think is much more important to me today. So I guess we've come full circle...onto my principle for today!

If I exercise faith in God, then I can "break the bounds" of men

This principle is one that I think many people already know deep down but can easily forget about. Breaking bounds seems like something that would be out of date now and totally not applicable today but a bound is simply something that binds you or holds you back. There are so many modern day bounds that maybe don't even seem like a bound. One example is language. Harsh language is something that almost every single person I associate myself with uses, it is just a part of the social norm, and I am not excluded from maybe slipping up in this category. This is a struggle that so many people face but so few attempt to change and by either refraining from using this language or trying very hard to not, you are exercising faith in God and his will that that language isn't used. By showing this faith, even in the small things, you are inviting the spirit into your life and having Him as a constant companion makes avoiding the bad things even easier. Breaking the bounds of men (not in some crazy feminist "down with men" way, mankind in general) allows for our hearts and minds to be more open and susceptible to the spirit and its teachings, which will without a doubt make it easier to continue to do so as time progresses. Showing faith in God, even in the smallest things can be so difficult sometimes but when we do there is no end to the blessings we will receive.

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